

  • Starting From $250.00 Per month
  • Up to 8500 Syncs/Month
  • Up to 10GB Data/Month
  • iPaaS Solution
  • $1500.00 Onetime Setup Fee
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  • Starting From $500.00 Per Month
  • Up to 30,000 Syncs/Month
  • Up to 25GB Data/Month
  • iPaSS Solution
  • $2500.00 Onetime Setup Fee
Start Trial


  • Customised For Your needs
  • Meets All Your Sync Needs
  • Data Used As Identified
  • iPaSS (or) On Premise Solution
  • Includes White Glove Service
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Innovation Is The Difference


Cutting edge innovation that is easy to integrate with existing systems. Designed to be connected, yet works independently.

Visual Mapping

Easily transform and map your systems together with our easy to use, no code required platform.

Innovative web-based dashboard

We did this by creating an easy-to-use, web-based dashboard that allows you to map, control and set secure cross-platform connections. This pure integration system connects any combination of on premises or cloud-based processes, services, applications and MYSQL databases, all within individual or multiple organizations

How It Works

How are we different

A flexible real time platform to map, set rules and transform data between applications. Used by developers to connects systems together.

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Quick FAQ

Our plans are based on the amount of data you send us each month for processing. Number of Syncs and support services for implementation. The NEOLINK team also offer professional services for connectors that are not available. With our Self Service plan, your monthly data allowance is 2.5GB (Gigabytes) which translates to roughly 2,621 files (JSON, CSV, Excel, etc), each 1MB (Megabyte) large. In other words, our Junior plan gives you the ability to process/transform/ synchronize almost 100MB of data per day. All pricing is in USD.
For 14 days you will have full access to all features with up to 40,000 transactions with 250GB of storage. There’s no need to choose a plan right now. We won’t take your credit card details, and you can take care of all that later. If you would like support you will need to upgrade to a higher plan.
API integrations can be complex and different each time. Most common integrations can be set up within the hour allotted period, clients will be responsible for own system testing.

Data Compliance & Governance

Compliance reporting for errors by individual data sync or access error logs. Create workflows to automate error reports on error or on success. Downloadable and automated email logs via the NEOLINK application.

Meet NeoLink